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T.I.E.S Young Adults Ministry T.I.E.S Young Adults Ministry

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T.I.E.S Young Adults Ministry

Posted on Mon, Nov 2, 2015

First Missionary Young Adults Ministry

T.I.E.S Young Adults Ministry

What are We Doing? Our Mission

T.I.E.S stand for Teaching, Impacting, Empowering/Equipping, and Sending Young Adults. The mission of T.I.E.S is to be a ministry that seeks out young adults and provide ministry, resources, and empowerment that is relevant to our time and situations. We are to build a ministry based on the foundation of God’s Word to provide spiritual and social outreach to young men and women. We are to promote moral and spiritual structure in order to empower our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ.

T.I.E.S Young Adult Ministry serves to foster a network and fellowship among young adults as they explore how to integrate their faith into their lives and through life transitions. Whether in our educational, career or relationship objectives, this ministry strives to empower and strengthen young adults to make Christ-focused decisions as well as to be actively engaged in the life of FMBC. We seek to minister to the whole person to “Equip the Saints for Ministry.”

Why We are Here? Our Passion, Our Purpose:

Our purpose is to seek out and embrace young adults in our churches and communities. By addressing their needs and issues we are helping them to be a generation of active and solidified Christians. Christians that are able to walk firmly and with boldness in their faith of God. We are to provide support, reassurance, and inspiration to young adults, as well as the body of Christ.

T.I.E.S Young Adult Ministry seek to be:

  1. Real - authentic in our belief that there is one God in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit;
  2. Relevant - involved in the overall mission of FMBC;
  3. Relational - engaged with one another and members of FMBC through fun and fellowship; and
  4. Revolutionary - as we believe that the message of Jesus Christ is the greatest revolutionary message of all time.

Our Goals:

The goals of T.I.E.S Young Adult Ministry are following:

  1. To create an environment of acceptance, love and direction in Christian living and develop young adults into the likeness of Christ.
  2. For each one to reach one.
  3. For our ministry to reach past our own families, friends, and First Missionary; that we may reach out into the world through any way possible with love.
  4. For us to Worship God in Spirit and in Truth.
  5. To share our faith with other young adults through education, prayer and fellowship; allowing them the opportunity to hear God's message for His church and to encourage a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  6. To affirm the unique gifts, talents, and ministries of our young adults.
  7. Provide opportunities for growth through Bible study and Sunday school
  8. To explore ways to integrate faith in their lives as they travel through life transitions.
  9. Develop leadership through resources and training programs to empower young adults and strengthen their commitment to Christ.

Our Foundational Scriptures for YAM:

1 Timothy 4:12: “Let no one look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in your speech, conduct, love, faithfulness, and purity”.

Romans 12:2: “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God”.

Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know what I have planned for you,' says the LORD.'I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope”.

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